Today in 2013, US Patent PP23674 P2 was issued, an invention of Roger D. Jeske and Paul D. Matthews, assigned to S.S. Steiner, Inc., for their “Hop plant named ‘Delta.'” Here’s the Abstract:
A new and distinct aroma variety of hop plant, Humulus lupulus L., named ‘Delta’ is characterized by its good cone yield, nice aroma (characterized as mild citrus/spice), 1:1 ratio of alpha-acids to beta-acids, low CoH, high Linalool, good storage stability, and resistance to hop powdery mildew. The new variety resulted from cross-pollination performed in 2003 in a field in Prosser, Wash., United States and has been asexually reproduced in a nursery in Prosser, Wash., United States.
Patented only two years ago (filed four years ago), I haven’t seen any mention of this hop being used by any breweries. Anyone know of it being used by anyone?