Shipyard Brewing of Portland, Maine announced today that their 2007 Brewer’s Choice selection will be a Honey Porter. The beer will be for sale beginning in January of next year.
From the press release:
I’ve had some wonderful honey porters over the years, and even Boston beer used to make a good one. Honey porters in my experience are excellent beers to use in cooking, too. It’s a shame you don’t see too many of them these days. I look forward to giving this one a try next year. |
Is Shipyard owned by Miller? In “Ambitious Brew” states as much and I’ve be unable to find this information anywhere else. Not that it matters because Shipyard makes some pretty beer.
If you want a great version then check out Not Tonight Honey! Porter from the Heartland (NYC) brewpub chain.
Awesome stuff.
I highly doubt this Shipyard version will be that good but…open mind, open mind, open mind.