Here’s an interesting piece of data. There’s not a lot of background for it, but from what I can tell it’s an interactive map showing the “Top Beers In The US By State 2008-2013,” by Perlinnoise. Since it was tweeted by RateBeer, I can only assume it’s based on their ratings over that six year period of time, from their top 100 list. Only 18 states had beers that made the list, and from the interactive map, holding your cursor over a colored state brings up a list of the beers that made their list. It also includes the number from each state. California has the most, by a wide margin, at 128. Second is Michigan, with 46, followed by Indiana (24), Florida (19), Colorado (18) and Oregon (17). Unfortunately, one glitch with the interactive map is that you can actually scroll down and see the whole list of beers from California.
You–or I, anyway–also can’t see all of them from Florida, Michigan and Indiana. At least not on my monitor, set for no zoom.
By zooming out (in Chrome, ctrl-minus will do it, ctrl-plus to zoom back in, ctrl-0 to get back to normal), I can get to where I can see all but California, which only just gets into 2013’s list on full zoom (but by then, the text is so small it’s hard to read).
I’m the developer of that page. Just spent an hour doing it and will be pushing updates sometime this weekend when i find some time. If there’s anything you guys want to see, let me know and ill see what i can do.
thanks for the article!