In case you missed it, yesterday my friend and colleague Andy Crouch dropped the bombshell that Long Trail Brewing of Bridgewater Corners, Vermont was in the early stages of purchasing Otter Creek / Wolaver’s Brewing, also located in Vermont. Not that I doubted him, but I was able to confirm the news through a well-placed anonymous source. Apparently it’s too soon for an official announcement and the story leaked (not by Andy, I should stress) so I was unable to get any additional details. I tried to reach owner Morgan Wolaver, but so far I haven’t heard back from him. I’ll update the story when I can. For now, you can read the full story at Andy’s Beer Scribe.
[…] brewery in the country. Andy Crouch of first broke it late last night and Jay Brooks independently confirmed the report today. Update: Select Wines, Inc. Sales Representative and blogger, Thomas Cizauskas, […]
The Long Trail Imperial Porter is outstanding…and so cheap for us here in New England.