The June 2011 standings will soon be released for Wikio’s Beer Blogs. Machuca at Craft Austin got a sneak peak at the new rankings, so here’s what happened to the Top 20 over last month:
Wikio June 2011 Beer Blog Rankings
1 | Beervana (+1) |
2 | Brookston Beer Bulletin (-1) |
3 | The New School (+/-0) |
4 | Brewpublic (+/-0) |
5 | A Good Beer Blog (+/-0) |
6 | Appellation Beer: Beer From a Good Home (+/-0) |
7 | The Stone Blog (Not in Top 20 for May) |
8 | Washington Beer Blog (+3) |
9 | The Daily Pull (+/-0) |
10 | Oakshire Brewing (+/-0) |
11 | Lost Abbey Brewer’s Log (Blog) (Not in Top 20 for May) |
12 | KC Beer Blog (+1) |
13 | I Love Beer (Not in Top 20 for May) |
14 | Seattle Beer News (+/-0) |
15 | The Not So Professional Beer Blog (+5) |
16 | The Brew Lounge (Not in Top 20 for May) |
17 | It’s Pub Night (-2) |
18 | Craft Austin (Not in Top 20 for May) |
19 | The Session Beer Project (-7) |
20 | Beer-Stained Letter (-1) |
Ranking made by Wikio
As usual, I added the relative movements of each blog from last month. This month, 25% of the blogs are either new or have re-emerged in the Top 20. And a few of the dropouts were surprising, including such heavy hitters as Beer Therapy, Drink With The Wench and Lew Bryson’s Seen Through a Glass.
For the third time in as many months, Beervana and I switched places again. Congratulations to Jeff. I expected as much this time, as I was in South America for at least a third of the month, and access to WiFi was spotty at best and free time even less so. Over half of the top 10 stayed put, too. As always, I continue to stress that this is just a bit of fun and that we shouldn’t take it too seriously. Until next month ….
Lew falls out, but is consoled by the fact that Session Beer Project remains in the top 20. I see my effort to juice Jack Curtain’s stats didn’t pan out. You should link to him!