Zymurgy magazine, which is published by the American Homebrewers Association for its members, today released the results of their latest poll, asking their readers to “readers to send us a list of their 20 favorite beers. The only rule [was] that the beer [had] to be commercially available somewhere in the United States. A record number of votes were cast this year, with 1,192 different beers from 450 breweries represented in the poll.” So while the name of the poll is 2010 Zymurgy Best Beers In America, the list does include a few imported beers that are sold in the U.S.
For the second year in a row, Russian River’s Pliny the Elder took the top spot.
2010 Zymurgy Best Beers In America Poll
- Russian River Pliny the Elder
- Bell’s Two Hearted Ale
- Stone Arrogant Bastard
- Dogfish Head 90 Minute IPA
- Sierra Nevada Pale Ale
- Stone IPA
- Tie for 7th
- Bear Republic Racer 5
- Guinness
- Sierra Nevada Bigfoot Barleywine
- Sierra Nevada Celebration
- Stone Ruination
- Tie for 12th
- North Coast Old Rasputin
- Sierra Nevada Torpedo
- Rahr Winter Warmer
- Rahr Ugly Pug
- Rahr Iron Thistle
- Tie for 17th
- Oskar Blues Ten Fidy
- New Glarus Belgian Red
- Dogfish Head 60 Minute IPA
- Duvel
- Tie for 21st
- Lagunitas IPA
- Samuel Adams Boston Lager
- Rahr Storm Cloud
- Saison Dupont
- Tie for 25th
- Founders Kentucky Breakfast Stout
- Rahr Bucking Bock
- Ommegang Three Philosophers
That’s the top 25, but the top 50 can bee seen at Zymurgy’s press release.
They also picked the top 25 favorite breweries, of which Rahr & Sons Brewing Co. of Fort Worth, Texas was number one and they “tabulated which breweries had the most brands in the voting. That honor went to Boston Beer Co. with 22 of its Samuel Adams brews getting votes. Dogfish Head was close behind with 20 brands.” You can also see the full list of Beer Portfolios and Favorite Breweries at the American Homebrewers Association website.
Hey how could they neglect (my favorite beer) from this list! Blasphemy!
Anyway, I can’t help but notice the heavy IPA bent, especially at the top of the list. Can’t say that I’m surprised, though.
I am a bit surprised – with RB and BA sites both touting a heavy dose of Imperial Stouts as best in the world, it’s a little odd (disconnected) to see homebrewers list a fondness for the IPAs. Some major props for SNBC too, love that Pale Ale is getting the respect its earned in this poll.
looks like this Rahr’s did some heavy compaigning. Guinness got 7th huh? ugh.
Pliny is an awesome beer. I think it’s head and shoulders better than the other beers on the list. That may largely be because I can’t have it as often as I’d like it.
My real question is what’s the deal with Rahr? They must be giving out free pints with every ballot. If you look at the whole list, Rahr is disproportionally represented.