Today’s infographic is entitled 10 Surprising Health Benefits of Drinking Beer, and was created by the Future of Health Now. None of these are particularly surprising, especially to regular readers, but thanks to anti-alcohol biases they tend to be under-reported and breweries are, in fact, forbidden from making health claims about their beer, another neo-prohibitionist victory. But drink up — in moderation of course — you’ll live longer and it’ll annoy the hell out of them.
beerman49 says
Interesting – but I wonder if the beer in the studies was mostly pisswater. For sure there are more vitamins in unfiltered/bottle-conditioned brews, but what % of the populace beyond we beer geex consumes copious quantities of such good stuff? I’m convinced that genetic proclivity is far more relevant to disease than lifestyle, & I rarely take “supplements” (vitamins/stuff like glucosamine). Omegas (fish oil & its relatives) now are circulating on the internet as “bad” – supposedly, those markedly increase the risk of nasty prostate cancer in men.
My take is that we’re here to have a good time & contribute something to the good of our fellow humans. Damn those who get in our way & try to tax us out of having it, whatever our vices.