Sunday’s ad is for Michelob, from around 2000 (which is a guess, I can’t quite make out the year on the ad). Having just spent a few days in Denver judging at the Great American Beer Festival, this one’s a hoot. “What Beer Judges Drink Between Competitions.” Then at the bottom of the ad, there’s this. “If judging beer were your job, how would you spend your day off?” To which the answer is. “Enjoying the remarkably smooth taste of Michelob.” I confess that’s not what I was drinking after a long day of judging. You?
I knew I was doing something wrong.
Now if I can just get them in South Africa I can be a proper judge (assuming I passed the taste test!) :p
I’m gonna get a magnifying glass to check the vertical small print, but it’s at my mom’s, so I’ll post back late Tues nite from her place (Soquel, just S of Santa Cruz; I live in East Bay).