Sunday’s ad is for Budweiser, from 1913. Showing an idyllic suburban porch setting, with a tray of beer bottles, and this question. “Where’s more real enjoyment? The shady home-porch, a comfortable chair, a good cigar or pipe, a congenial friend, and a cool, refreshing bottle of Budweiser.” Apparently, in 1913, the St’ Louis brewery was producing 3 million bottles each week. But I wonder how many people in 1913, well before the post-war suburban boom that occurred after 1945, even had a porch like this one?
I would think that a lot of old wood-framed houses had such porches; CA had very few (tho the house I grew up in in Fresno had a front porch big enough for a couple of small tables & a few chairs, as did a few others in the neighborhood).
In my travels, I’ve seen many such old houses, especially in rural areas & older parts of some cities.