Saturday’s ad is entitled A Snack After the Movies, and the illustration was done in 1948 by Stevan Dohanos. It’s #14 in a series entitled “Home Life in America,” also known as the Beer Belongs series of ads that the United States Brewers Foundation ran from 1945 to 1956. In this ad, two couples have apparently returned from the movies, and are making what the title refers to as “a snack.” But the host couple is making hamburgers and a large salad, not what I’d call a “snack.” I tend to think if you have to both put on an apron to prepare it, then it’s not a snack.
The kitchen has changed less in the 70 years since than it had to in the 70 years before. All the current elements are there except for the microwave. And the beer got better, maybe (some of that 40s lager was probably like Sam Adams today…).