Thursday’s ad is another old one for Schlitz, this one from 1911, and is, like yesterday’s, touting brown bottles as the best package for beer. They list a number of reasons why Schlitz is such a great beer, and some of the reasons are priceless:
- Our barley is selected by one of the partners in our business.
- We go to Bohemia for hops.
- The water is brought from rock 1,400 feet under ground.
- Not only is Schlitz beer filtered through white wood pulp, but even the air in which it is cooled is filtered.
- It is aged for months is glass enameled tanks.
- It cannot cause biliousness.
- It will not ferment in your stomach.
And the ads final words are the same as yesterday’s, urging people to choose Schlitz because they know best. “If you knew what we know about beer, you would say ‘Schlitz—Schlitz in Brown Bottles.'”
We had Schlitz on tap in our Fraternity barrom and at the pub I worked at. Eighteen years old was a County option for beer sales.
Before Federal law took over!!!