Who knew that Betty Crocker even knew about beer? Today, I saw that they posted 35 Beer Terms Every Beer Lover Needs To Know, and it’s not a bad list. Of course, it helps that it was compiled by a Cicerone — Michael Agnew. But beyond that, there’s a whole section on Betty Crocker’s website dedicated to beer entitled Betty’s BrewHouse. Way to stay hip and with it, Betty. I guess she’s not just about cakes and brownies anymore.
Susan Graham says
The “Beer Me” infographic is also kind of fun…
beerman49 says
Good Gawd! At least they got good help in joining the 21st Century. Will they now create a beer-infused cake or brownie recipe – or, even more outlandish, suggest beer to replace water in their mega-NaCl- infused Hamburger/Tuna Helper recipes? 🙂