Today the 17th annual Double IPA Festival was held at the Bistro in Hayward, California. I missed judging last year, but happily was able to be there again this year. We judged 68 Double IPAs and 37 Triple IPAs, and awarded three medals in each category, plus an honorable mention for each, as well.
Double IPAs
- 1st Place: Knotty DIPA, Three Weavers Brewing
- 2nd Place: SUM, Eagle Rock Brewery
- 3rd Place: Hop Soup, Faction Brewing
- Honorable Mention: Oh-so Mainey, Kern River Brewing
Our judging table in the basement of the Bistro.
Triple IPAs
- 1st Place: Extremis, Moonraker Brewing
- 2nd Place: Pliny the Younger, Russian River Brewing
- 3rd Place: Tundra, Fieldwork Brewing
- Honorable Mention: Thruster, Pizza Port Carlsbad

The second judging table.
Peoples Choice Awards
- People’s Choice Award — Double IPA: Slauncher DIPA, Kaweah
- People’s Choice Award — Triple IPA: Scarcity, Altamont Beer Works
Congratulations to all the winners.
It was a beautiful day at the Bistro for tasting 105 Double and Triple IPAs.