I know it’s a good thing when celebrities drink craft beer, because people tend to copy their behavior. So the more celeb’s drinking good beer, the more some people might pick it up, too. But I can’t help but find it a little sad, too. I just don’t find all the minutiae about famous people very interesting. It’s just not my thing, though I have friends and loved ones who feel otherwise, so I do tend to find out about these gossipy items anyway, sometimes whether I want to or not. Case in point, I just learned that actress Charlize Theron served Dogfish Head’s 60 Minute IPA at her house in Los Angeles during the Super Bowl. And that’s great, don’t get me wrong. Charlize Theron was, at one time, on my list of five (married men will know what I’m talking about here) so I’m certainly glad to know she has good taste in beer.
The whole thing was captured in nauseating detail in the U.S. Showbiz section of the UK’s Daily Mail in an article titled — believe it or not — We’re in for a Super night: Charlize Theron hardly breaks a sweat as she carries a case of beer to a Super Bowl party. They have five, count ’em five, photos of Theron carrying the beer from her car to the house. The running commentary is hilariously absurd, though I couldn’t help but hear it in my head as if being read by Robin Leach from Lifestyles of the Rich & Famous.
To be fair, I’ve posted a photo of television celebrity Nathan Fillion drinking a Drake’s IPA through a curly straw, that my wife took during an L.A. Browncoats convention a few years ago, but somehow that seems different. Or maybe I’m just fooling myself. What I really wanted to know from the article is why she chose that beer, and how she and her guests enjoyed it. Now that I’d find far more interesting than how she managed to carry it a few feet without breaking a sweat.
If you look at the bottom of the box you can see it isn’t a full case of beer and maybe not even beer at all.
Most liquor stores keep boxes after they have stocked the 6 packs on the shelf to make it easier for customers to carry out their purchases.
Good free advertising for Dogfish Head though.
Peter–YES, exactly. It took me the first two seconds of seeing the picture to see exactly what you saw — a cardboard box, almost certainly without beer in it…or at least a full case of DFH. I wanted to chime in to the conversation, but then in the next two seconds I was beset with the same feelings as Jay. WTFC?! well, apparently, quite a few people. Certainly more interesting to learn that she’s on Jay’s list 😉
No clue what a list of five is (woot! confirmation of my gender!) or who Nathan Fillion is — but Jay, ’tis okay. Most of the rest of us don’t give a gnat’s ass about celebs. Consider yourself in good company.
We can always just “dream” it was DFH or good beer can’t we?