Don Younger, owner of the Horse Brass in Portland, has been the subject of numerous rumors today throughout the Twitterverse. I wanted to find out what’s really going on so I called a friend in Portland who’s close to the situation, and here’s what I’ve learned.
Don fell last week and broke his shoulder, and was taken to the hospital. Because of numerous medications he’d been on and the health of his lungs, doctors have him on a respirator and are keeping him for observation. The prognosis does not appear favorable and there apparently isn’t much that the doctors can do except watch, and wait, at least for now. Don’s a tough customer, and has as strong a will as anyone I’ve known, so I’m hoping that will see him through this. It looks like we should know more in the next few hours or days.
Please join me in sending your prayers and positive thoughts Don’s way. Drink a toast to Don’s health. I’ll update this as new information becomes available.
UPDATE: John Foyston has more information up at the Oregonian.
Don with my son Porter when he was a toddler at the Rogue Alehouse in San Francisco.
Don sharing a beer with me and Tom Dalldorf at the Celebrator offices a number of years ago.
[…] a craft beer legend whom I had hoped to meet in the near future passed away last weekend. RIP don. […]