I just finished my family’s Thanksgiving feast, enjoyed with a 2000 magnum of Our Special Ale from Anchor Brewing that I found nestled in the back of one of our refrigerators. Boy am I stuffed. Before the tryptophan kicks in and I’m found drooling on the sofa, I wanted to take a moment to wish everybody a Happy Thanksgiving.
I’m incredibly thankful that people come here to read what I write, see what I share and drink what I drink. Thank you from the bottom of my pint glass.
Happy Thanksgiving!
And I love the mash-up Chicago’s Piece Brewery did with this Thanksgiving scene and their growlers.
Paul Brown (DOZEer) says
Thanks to you, Jay, for sharing all your ramblings and information. We appreciate your work and dedication to the craft beer scene. CHEERS!!
Kim and Harry says
Happy Thanksgiving Jay! We enjoy reading your column in the Merc. We’re having a great beer crawl holiday, too many breweries so little time…..
Adam says
I wouldn’t ever think you’d perpetuate a myth, but the tryptophan myth seemingly got you.