Ouch. As many of you probably know, Lagunitas Brewing is in the process of installing a new 250-barrel brewhouse, but there may be a bit of a delay. Apparently the brewhouse was on its way to California, tied down on the top of the deck in the Caribbean, when a storm hit the cargo ship. As it “rolled back and forth by more than 40 degrees a crane came loose from its chains and crushed the brewhouse. The 30′ diameter lauter tun caught the blunt of the attack, and appears to be a total loss.”
[…] Lagunitas came out with a special seasonal beer this year called Lagunitas Sucks Holiday Ale when they knew they wouldn’t be able to produce Brown Shugga because of some brewing equipment that was destroyed in transit to the brewery. […]
Upside- they’ll probably brew a great beer with a great name to commemorate the accident.
Holy crap! I hope insurance takes care of it.
Ouch, that does hurt! Hopefully the delay will not affect next years’ Brown Shugga’.
I initially thought “Destroyed at sea” WAS the name of a beer!
And I thought I had a lousy day today.
As long as have know Tony, Ron, and the gang, they will definitely use any tragedy, disturbance, shutdown, etc. to thier advantage. Like Obi Wan being struck down, they will came back bigger and stronger with a beer that highlights their “Destroyed at Sea” accident in such a way that they always get the last laugh! 🙂 They always do.
Jack V.S.
Holy Cow!
I am so sorry to hear about your loss, guys. Hang in there!
Merely a flesh wound!
They will survive (as they always have after the various monkey wrenches thrown into their works) – now, we need the Rolling Boils Blues Band to find someone who can mimic Gloria Gaynor so they can sing a tribute parody of “I Will Survive” once they get all the insurance issues settled (presumably, the shipping agent’s &/or the boat’s owner[s]’ insurance will cover the replacement costs – there’s certainly reasonable “negligence” evidence).
I’d love to write the lyrics – I have the song on CD & have heard it enough to have the pattern down. All I need is more details. The disaster part will be easy; I then could lyric an “interim” version before the replacement & then a final version.
I’m a big Lagunitas fan &, tho I’ve never been up to the brewery, I’ve enjoyed yakking w/some of their employees @ Bay Area beer events, & have bought good quantities of their products (my fave is their IPA). They pushed the envelope from Day 1 – & their sense of humor surely inspired Stone & Schmaltz. MAY THEY SURVIVE!