With Hannakuh beginning December 1, Shmaltz Brewing has created a fun DIY way to make your own Menorah, using beer bottles — preferably He’Brew bottles.
I love that! Shmaltz is in the same class as Lagunitas & Stone for mixing good humor & packaging/labeling with their excellent brews! Jewbelation has been on my “must get” holiday brew list since I tried & loved it a few years ago.
Chappy Channukah to Shmaltz & all your Jewish readers!-
beerman49 says
I love that! Shmaltz is in the same class as Lagunitas & Stone for mixing good humor & packaging/labeling with their excellent brews! Jewbelation has been on my “must get” holiday brew list since I tried & loved it a few years ago.
Chappy Channukah to Shmaltz & all your Jewish readers!-
Louie says
Hah! That’s great. Their Jewbelation 14 is phenomenal and remarkably well-balanced, especially considering it has 14 malts, 14 hops, and 14% abv.