Today in 1897, US Patent 589237 A was issued, an invention of William B. Baker, for his “Combined Beer Tap, Cooler and Pump.” There’s no Abstract, although in the description it includes these claims:
This invention relates to a combined beer tap, cooler, and pump; and it consists in the novel features of construction and combinations of parts in such an apparatus, as hereinafter described and claimed; In the annexed drawings, Figure 1 is a perspective view showing the arrangement of parts in a beer tap, cooler, and pump constructed according to my invention. Fig. 2 is an enlarged sectional view of the pump with bar-faucet in side elevation. Fig. 3 is atop view of the pump and bar-faucet. Fig. 4 is a plan of the cooler with cover removed. Fig. 5 is a cross-sectional elevation of the cooler. Fig. 6 is an enlarged sectional elevation of the drawing-off pipe, bung-plug provided with stuffing-box, and a recessed bung driver surrounding the drawing-off pipe and normally resting on the bung-plug. Fig. 7 is a plan or top view of the bung-plug with drawing-off pipe in cross-section.