With the announcement that Yuengling Brewery is buying their fourth brewery to continue to expand their market, the Wall Street Journal today has a nice overview of the company’s plans for the future. Check out After 181 Years, Local Beer Stops Playing Hard to Get.
Dick Yuengling (Photo by Scott Lewis)
Adam M. says
Thanks for the link. I have been dying for Yuengling to come to Indiana, so any new relevant information on their expansion is appreciated.
Mr. Nuts says
I know they’re being careful — but be careful! Stroh’s did a nice job of sinking itself after buying Schlitz.
Two completely different types of acquisitions to be sure. Just don’t want one of the smaller fry to get lost in a few years.
beerman49 says
Mr. Nuts makes a good point in his 2nd paragraph – the key to survival is to expand slowly, & first into places where there’s a presumed demand (e.g., in the northern states btwn the Ohio & Mississippi Rivers). They’ll have a tough road on the West Coast unless they achieve “cult status”.
For sure, Yuengling is better than Bud/Miller/Coors – when I can’t get a decent “craft brew” [I don’t drink Stella/Blue Moon/”light” brew/any Sam Adams (I despise Koch’s twittily pretentious ads & refuse to buy it)] in a sports bar/restaurant when I visit the East Coast, Yuengling is my fall-back. Their “Half & Half” (lager & porter) is a good session brew (some bars have it on draft; it’s hard to find bottled). Singly, Yuengling porter & lager are quite drinkable & comparably priced to the macros.