Today in 1861, Kansas became the 34th state.
Kansas Breweries
- 23rd Street Brewery
- Blind Tiger Brewery
- Crazy Eye Brewing
- Flying Monkey Beer
- Free State Brewing
- Gella’s Diner & Lb. Brewing
- Granite City Food & Brewing
- Hank is Wiser Brewery
- High Noon Saloon & Brewing
- Little Apple Brewing
- Mo’s Place Grill & BrewPub
- River City Brewing
- Safari Grill & Brewery
- Tallgrass Brewing
Kansas Brewery Guides
Guild: Kansas Craft Brewers Guild [no website]
State Agency: Kansas Division of Alcoholic Beverage Control
- Capital: Topeka
- Largest Cities: Wichita, Overland Park, Kansas City, Topeka, Olathe
- Population: 2,688,418; 32nd
- Area: 82,282 sq.mi., 15th
- Nickname: Sunflower State
- Statehood: 34th, January 29, 1861
- Alcohol Legalized: Unknown
- Number of Breweries: 15
- Rank: 34th
- Beer Production: 1,967,234
- Production Rank: 33rd
- Beer Per Capita: 21.8 Gallons
Package Mix:
- Bottles: 32.3%
- Cans: 57.9%
- Kegs: 9.6%
Beer Taxes:
- Per Gallon: $0.18
- Per Case: $0.41
- Tax Per Barrel (24/12 Case): $5.58
- Draught Tax Per Barrel (in Kegs): $5.58
Economic Impact (2010):
- From Brewing: $67,218,011
- Direct Impact: $556,080,045
- Supplier Impact: $390,326,463
- Induced Economic Impact: $317,903,610
- Total Impact: $1,264,310,118
Legal Restrictions:
- Control State: No
- Sale Hours: On Premises: 9 a.m. – 2 a.m. (in counties which allow on-premises sales)
Off Premises: 9 a.m. – 11 p.m. (Mon–Sat) (in counties which allow off-premises sales)
noon – 7 p.m. or 8 p.m. (Sun) (in communities which allow Sunday off-premises sales) - Grocery Store Sales: 3.2 only
- Notes: Kansas’s alcohol laws are among the strictest in the United States. Kansas prohibited all alcohol from 1881 to 1948, and continued to prohibit on-premises sales of alcohol from 1949 to 1987. Sunday sales only have been allowed since 2005. Today, 29 counties still do not permit the on-premises sale of alcohol. 59 counties require a business to receive at least 30% of revenue from food sales to allow on-premises sale of alcohol. Only 17 counties allow general on-premises sales. Not all communities which allow off-premises sales allow sales on Sunday. Sales are prohibited on Christmas and Easter. The only alcoholic beverage which grocery stores and gas stations may only sell is beer with no more than 3.2% alcohol by weight. Other liquor sales only are allowed at state-licensed retail liquor stores. Kansas has comprehensive open container laws for public places and vehicles, public intoxication laws, and requirements for prospective on-premises or off-premises licensees.
Data complied, in part, from the Beer Institute’s Brewer’s Almanac 2010, Beer Serves America, the Brewers Association, Wikipedia and my World Factbook. If you see I’m missing a brewery link, please be so kind as to drop me a note or simply comment on this post. Thanks.
For the remaining states, see Brewing Links: United States.
Pretty good rundown of all things Kansas and beer. We hoisted some Tallgrass Oasis last night to celebrate Kansas day. We’re working on eliminating the 3.2 beer now. But we have a long way to go to really liberalize the alcohol regulations.