The 32nd release of Anchor’s “Our Special Ale,” the official name of their annual Christmas Ale, takes place today and the seasonal beer will be available through January. The traditional date for the release of Anchor’s Christmas Ale was always the Monday before Thanksgiving, making it one of latest releases for the holidays. However, demand for the beer and requests from wholesalers and retailers led them to move back the release date to early November. While I’m generally not a fan of the expansion of the Christmas season to November 1, and some instances even before, this is one case where I can make an exception. Having this beer available even a few weeks longer is definitely a good thing!
From the press release:
The brewers of Anchor Steam® Beer are proud to announce the release of our thirty-second annual “Christmas Ale.”
Every year since 1975 the brewers at Anchor have brewed a distinctive and unique “Christmas Ale,” which is available from early November to mid-January. The Ale’s recipe is different every year—as is the tree on the label—but the intent with which we offer it remains the same: joy and celebration of the newness of life. Since ancient times, trees have symbolized the winter solstice when the earth, with its seasons, appears born anew.
This year’s featured tree is the Fagus sylvatica, more commonly known as the European Beech.
Joel says
Thanks to you I’m sipping my first 2006 Anchor Holiday Ale of the season. I’ve always been a huge fan of their Holiday offerings and I was thrilled to see that this year’s batch was out. Luckily, I’ve made some friends at the local shops and a few of them set a couple of cases aside so I’ll have enough to fuel my holiday cheer through the winter!
Cheers to Anchor, Fritz & and to you for setting me onto this year’s search for the Holy Ale!