Friday’s ad is for Schlitz, from 1906. The ad is part of a series from that time highlighting different aspects of the beer’s process, its healthfulness and other factors. In this one, the headline is “The After-Effects,” and in the text they talk about spending “more than half the cost of our brewing is spent to insure purity.” Anything, apparently, to avoid biliousness, the scourge of beer drinking.
My how the tides have changed…”unfiltered” may be a bad thing when your canning line is full of botulism, but not a strong selling point with craft beer lovers today.
Maybe not even that much of a selling point with domestic drinkers of today – in a “lady doth protest too much” kind of way (i.e. “You shouldn’t have to remind me your beer is not impure. That should be a given.” )
Then again, this ad may have come out just before the 1906 passage of the Pure Food and Drug Act.