Thursday’s ad is another one for Falstaff, also from 1959. Today is National Golf Day, so this ad seemed appropriate for today’s featured ad. Like yesterday’s ad, the copy asks. “Got A Thirst For Man Size Pleasure?” I guess golf is slightly manlier than ice skating, but I’m still not convinced it’s among the more physically demanding sports one associates with manly pursuits. Although I suppose it does take balls to play.
If you walk the course & carry your own bag (pros have caddies, but they walk) instead of riding a cart, you’ll get a 4-5 mile non-continuous walk, most often over rolling/hilly terrain. Even if you ride, you’ll tab at least a mile, because carts aren’t allowed within 50-75 yards of the green (signs divert carts to the cart path, which is on one side of the fairway). Further, women weren’t allowed to play golf until they got the right to vote – so the game was a guys’ day away from their nagging housewives (LOL – & today, far more men than women play the game, especially on public courses).
No offense meant, but most people who’ve never played the game (up to 5 times = never) just don’t quite get it.