Thursday’s ad is from 1892 and is for Budweiser. I assume what she’s wearing was fashionable in the day, but I’d say that dress is a little too busy, especially against that garish background. There’s a small title at the bottom that reads “The Hostess,” perhaps suggesting this was part of a series? It’s hard to see in this size, but if you click through to see it full-sized, you can see she’s wearing a necklace of the Anheuser-Busch “A” and eagle logo. And take a look at the odd-looking crown and the red stripe below it. I’m no breweriana expert, but that looks very different to me, too.
The “crown and red stripe below it” are probably a cork and a neck label that pictured the cork and noted that one should always look for the Budweiser “branded” on the cork to be sure one is getting the real thing. There’s a Ladies Home Journal ad reproduced in the book “Making Friends is Our Business” with a very similar looking bottle from a decade later. (Can send a jpeg if you’d like).