Friday’s ad is for Labatt’s ’50’ Ale, from 1956. This is another example of my theory that beer in the Fifties was much more “friendly” than today. I keep finding examples of beer companies at that time describing their beer as “friendly” in advertising, but this is the first Canadian example I’ve come across. I do love the backyard party scene, such a happy-looking gathering. How friendly, just like the beer.
I love the descriptions of their other varieties at the bottom, ESPECIALLY the IPA (long before IPAs were trendy):
“It’s vigorous; a MAN’s ale”
Hope no chicks were trying to drink that stuff. Clearly they weren’t cut out for it. 😉
I still buy it the odd time. It does have a unique taste to it. When this ad came out, I was 2.
Checking in late on this one – 2 comments:
1. That label’s a helluva lot more colorful & interesting than the “green” one that followed (their lager label’s blue).
2. When in Montreal 30 yrs ago, I ordered “Cinquante” at restaurants/bars & beer stands in the ball park, which made the Francophiles quite happy (if you attempted to speak French first, you got better treatment than if you spoke English first – I have no clue if that attitude’s changed, as I’ve yet to return). I loved the city & want to revisit.