Wednesday’s ad is from Canada, and was published in 1955. After opening their Toronto brewery the same year, Molson debuted their first lager beer, Crown and Anchor. This ad, featuring dancing sailors, was one of the first ads for the new beer. I wonder what “sparkling light” is?
If you can’t read the text, either click on the ad for a larger view or read the transcription below.
If you want a gay and cheery
brew that looks brighter, tastes
lighter … and leaves a fresh
clean taste upon the tongue …
try Crown & Anchor Lager Beer.
Chances are you’ll agree,
“This light beer is the right beer for me.”
Hi, Jay. It’s Lori and I’m a specialist in brands and brand history at Molson. Thanks for your Crown & Anchor post – isn’t that a great ad? The crown and anchor imagery has been part of Molson’s history for a long time. It appeared on our oldest brand (Molson Export) which dates back to 1903 and still appears on our Stock Ale brand. And, as for Molson’s first entry into the lager market, the Crown and Anchor brand was followed very closely by Molson Canadian which was launched in 1959 – hard to believe that brand is already 50 years old!
Hi Lori,
I have 4 glasses with the the logo of beer Crown & Anchor .
Around the logo , this is written : Bière de riz -The Crown & Anchor rice beer Brewery ltd Montréal
My father had a small grocery ( he died in 1957 ) in Ville St-Georges , Qébec , Canada . I remember when the Molson representative gave them to my father .
If you are interested to get them , let me know here .
My father was superintendent of construction for Stone & Webster, the contractor for the 1955 brewery. I* would be very interested in the 4 glasses if you still have them.
Tom Sanborn