Tuesday’s ad is also Ballantine Ale, I think it’s going to be a Ballantine week. Today is also the anniversary of Peter Minuit buying the island of Manhattan in 1626 for the equivalent of around $24 (or more like $72 in today’s money) worth of “cloth, beads, hatchets, and other odds and ends.” At the time, the good were worth around 60 Dutch guilders, or about 1-1/2 lbs. of silver. Check out the Straight Dope for the … well, the straight dope. The ad depicts the scene with the humorous tagline “Early American Bargain.”
I vote “yes” on Ballantine Week!
Damn…I miss their beers (even the Naragansett brewed versions were excellent).
These days, those three rings are just a label pasted onto a fairly generic imposter brew.
Of all the great things one could do if time travel were possible, I honestly believe that my very first trip would be a beer run… to bring back some of their IPA.
(insert a longing sigh here)