Monday’s ad is yet another from Budweiser’s “Where There’s Life ..” series. This one shows a man who’s trying to fix what to my eyes appears to be an old rotary telephone … with a hammer. I’m not sure that’s the right tool for the job. But based on the look on his face, I’m not sure he has his mind on what he’s doing anyway.
J Doyle says
He fixes things the same way I do. If it doesn’t work take a hammer to it. Sometimes it works but most of the time it doesn’t but at least I feel better especially if I have a beer!
beerman49 says
That’s NOT a rotary telephone – phones opened only from the bottom, & were longer top-bottom than wide. Further, the bottom fit inside the casing. What’s pictured in the ad looks to me to be a housing from a car water pump – I’ve worked on cars, & the diagonally-opposed mounting holes are typical of water pumps. The other object in view reminds me of the inside of a pre-80’s car distributor w/rotor removed. Besides – nobody worked on phones then (phone we had in Fresno 1951-62 was metal-encased & hard-wired). But a lot of folks messed around with cars in 1952, as simple tools were enough to get one through most stuff.
Rotary telephones had the dial on the outside – there were no “holes” inside. The distance from the hole to the stop point (below the 1) defined the electric pulses sent to the switching center. Go to Wikipedia/elsewhere for the rest of the mechanics.
Jay Brooks says
Thanks for setting me straight. I knew someone handier or more mechanically inclined then myself would have a better idea of what it was.