Thursday’s ad is for Rheingold Beer, from 1954, featuring Miss Rheingold for that year, Adrienne Garrett, holding a small white yappy-looking dog (I confess I hate the idea of little purse dogs) though to be fair this one looks too big for Paris Hilton. In her other hand she holds two hat boxes. I remember when I was young women often travelled with enormous hatboxes and my mom and grandmothers having entire closets filled with them. What a strange time.
beerman49 says
Jay grew up in an area where such “formalities” were common; we who grew up in CA were spared that goofiness. I’m 63; that ad (like many others Jay’s posted) is quaint nostalgia.
My critic side sees an “artistic license” paint job that was common in those days. Where’s her left arm (which should be somewhere around the dog’s midsection)? For sure, she’s not holding the dog up by its butt.