Our 26th Guinness poster by John Gilroy features a lumberjack energized by drinking his Guinness so that he’s able to fell a large tree with one fell swoop of the axe. “Guinness For Strength,” indeed.
Unfortunately this is the best image of this ad I could find. If anyone has a better one, please let me know or send it my way. There’s also a variation on the lumberjack theme, with the same artwork but a different slogan, “My Goodness, My Guinness.”
Hi – what year were these Guinness Lumberjack posters released please ? Any idea what one would be worth ?
Mike – New Zealand
No idea, but try this book: Gilroy was Good for Guinness (http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/1907593993/) which is available in the UK, not sure if it’s available in New Zealand, though.