This is a very fun little chart, though it must have taken quite some time to actually put together. Over at Eating the Road, they’ve assembled a flowchart to help you choose what beer to drink.
Here’s how they describe it:
In conjunction with the amazingly useful, humorous and insightful we’ve put together another flowchart to make your decision making that much easier. Just in time for those wonderful Holiday parties, Eating The Road to the rescue. We figured you may need this one a bit more than the others seeing that you may be a little…ahh, under the influence. Due to that, please use this chart with caution and responsibility.
I ended up with Utopias and Cantillon, so in my case it worked pretty well. Enjoy. At Eating the Road, you can also find links to other flowcharts, including ones for Fast Food, Chain Restaurants and cereal.
NOTE: If you find it hard to read at this size, you can view it full size here.
Push Eject says
Pretty funny find, J. I don’t agree with all the groupings, but funny nonetheless!
“Do you truly love beer?” No -> Michelob Ultra & Bass = Laughed out loud.
Push E.
Pseudolus says
Hmm. What should the question be for the “Yes” arrow to point to “Homebrew”?
easong says
I did get down to Stone and Dogfish Head, which is normally where I would start. Sadly there was no Pliny at the end of the rainbow.
michael reinhardt says
I love these flow charts. The accurate stereotype is always a good way to go.