So I’m walking through the grocery store the other day; and I’m hungry, which is never a good combination. I’m perusing the frozen food section, when something catches my eye. It’s Cheddar Bites, or more specifically “Crispy Beer Battered Aged White Cheddar” by Alexia. Now it’s not that they’re beer-battered — which I’m pleased about — but it’s nothing new. That’s not what caught my attention. On the box is a small tri-colored square, at an angle, to the right of the main label, declaring that these cheddar bites aren’t made with just any old beer, but are “Craft Beer Battered!” Woo Hoo! We’ve come a long way, baby, when that becomes a selling point. It made me laugh a bit, and naturally there’s no information about what craft beer was used for the batter. The company’s in Washington, so that’s a clue, I suppose.
Still, I find it interesting that a food company thought it was enough of a selling point to include it as a separate element on the packaging. That certainly suggests that they believed it would appeal to a certain type of consumer, and specifically one for whom the fact that the beer was “craft beer” had some meaning. That’s an interesting development. And it worked, I suppose, since I bought them. The family verdict was mixed. My wife thought they were just “meh,” whereas I liked them just fine; though in fairness my tastes run toward anything that’s not too good for me and can be considered comfort food.
Has anyone else seen similar labeling on packaged foods? It’s the first time I’ve noticed it, but I’m curious if this is happening enough to be considered the beginning of a trend.
its the words all natural that worry me, nothin natural looking about those suckers. As for which Craft Beer, perhaps its a typo, and they meant to say Kraft Beer, it might be the evil corporates at work?
PS – I have to admit if they were on the bar and I was having a pint I’d be into them
They make a craft beer battered onion ring too apparently. I thought the cheddar bites were ok, I’d never noticed anything advertise such so I had to try them.
When I looked around the Internet I seem to recall Bridgeport was the supplier… or maybe it was Full Sail… but I can’t find that source anymore so I might be making that up. The company is located in Kennewick which is equidistant from Seattle and Portland… but who knows, maybe that’s how some small Yakima Valley brewery is staying in business.
the Alexia prouduct page has interesting comments. for example “ I did not like them. You could not taste anything but the beer. I could not even taste the cheese nor could I even tell what kind of cheese was in it.” and “The cheese was too strong and the product tasted like yeast.”
they must want something that doesn’t have any flavor.
but the best comment is “it is definitely a great idea, but the non-vegan part of it ruins it.” obvisouly the commentor was referring the everything but the beer part of the product. seems odd that a person would go so far out of the way to say something so weird. but then, vegans are weird
Well you have strirred up my interest. As for the use of Craft Beer, finally someone knows how to market to the finer folks in society. I will need to grab a couple of pints and give them a try, can’t image attempting them without some. Thanks!
Maybe they’re using Idaho beer … Kennewick’s closer to Boise than to Portland/Seattle; it’s also not that far from Bend, OR.
I’m curious about the products (esp the onion rings); where in the Bay Area can we find them?
I found them at Safeway.
While I originally started making wine jellies, I am now making and selling more and more craft beer jellies. Like the wine jellies, the craft beer jellies are great on cream cheese or used as a glaze on barbeques meats. I would never had success making Budweiser jelly!
Sorry I’m way late to this, but I did a whole post on this… they’re not even necessarily craft beer-battered, because there’s no protection on the term.