Today in 1912, US Patent 1031838 A was issued, an invention of Beer Saving Apparatus, for his “Beer Saving Apparatus.” There’s no Abstract, although in the description it includes this summary:
Having thus fully described” my invention, what I claim as new and desire to secure by Letters Patent is: in combination, beer tank, a beer faucet provided with a controlling valve, a pipe leading from said tank to said faucet, a pressure tank, connections between said pressure tank and said beer tank, a pan beneath the aforesaid faucet, a trap beneath said pan, a drainpipe leading from said pan to said trap, a pipe leading from said pressure tank to said trap, a branch pipe lead pipe leading from said tank to said faucet, a pressure’ tank, connections between said pressure tank and said beer tank, a pan beneath the aforesaid faucet, a trap beneath said pan a drain pipe leading from said pan to said trap, a pipe leading from said pressure tank to said trap, a drainage .pipe leading from said trap to’ the first named pipe, a valve for controlling the passage through said branch pipe, a valve or controlling the passages through said drain the pipe leading from the. pressure tank to the trap, ‘a link connected pipe and through to said valves, an operating lever for the controlling valve of the aforesaid faucet, and connections between said lever and said link. In combination, a beer tank, a’beer faucet provided with a controlling valve, a pipe leading from said tank to said faucet a pressure tank, connections between said pressure tank and said beer tank, a pan beneath the aforesaid faucet,a trap beneath said pan, a drain pipe leading from said pan to said trap, a pipe leading from said pressure tank to said trap, a branch pipe leading from said trap to the first named r p through said branch pipe, trolling the passages through said drain pipe and through pressure tank to the trap, means for automatically operating said valves as the controlling valve of the faucet is operated, and a jet pipe connected to said trap and adapt a valve for coned to deliver a sweeping jet into the afore said pan