Today in 1899, US Patent 636210 A was issued, an invention of Auguste Liese, for his “Beer-Faucet,” although he’s more famous for having invented to crown bottle cap. There’s no Abstract, although in the description it includes this summary:
The object of my invention is to provide a simple, efficient, and inexpensive beer-faucet which is adapted to be connected so that, by the use of a single turn-cock, beer, ale, or other liquor may be drawn either from a tank or directly from the wood and so that the same can be tempered by simultaneously drawing off more or less gas, as desired. A further object of my invention is to construct the beer-faucet so that the beer or ale maybe admitted from the barrel to a storage tank and so that any excess of gas may be exhausted from the upper part of the cock instead of blowing the same off through the usual outlet.