Today in 1997, US Patent PP10147 P was issued, another invention of Gene Probasco, assigned to John I. Haas, Inc., for his “Hop Plant named ‘H900322-4.'” Here’s the Abstract:
A new and distinct triploid hop, Humulus lupulus, plant selected from the progeny of USDA `21055` X John I. Haas, Inc. No. `833-53M`, characterized by an unusually high percentage of alpha-acids, coupled with a high yield. This plant also has a high amount of farnesene as a component in the essential oil (8.8% of the total oil is farnesene). None of the USA high alpha-acids varieties has farnesene in the oil. Further, `H900322-4` (hereinafter “H900322-4”) has a higher cohumulone content (44.0%) of the alpha-acids than any of the USA high alpha-acids varieties. Harvest maturity is medium-late, with `Nugget` and following `Galena` by about 1 week. Cone size is medium to large yet compact and ovoid, and easily mechancially harvested. Cones are non-shattering, and have bracts that are of a darker green color than bracteoles, resulting in a striped appearance.