Saturday I took the whole family to the Russian River Beer Revival & BBQ Cook-Off in Guerneville, California. It was held at Stumptown Brewery at a perfect location right along the river. I’m doing a story about the festival and the brewery for the next issue of the Celebrator Beer News, but in the meantime here are some photos from the event.
Stumptown Brewery on River Road in Guerneville.
The festival booths making barbecue and pouring beers was right along the Russian River.
Vinnie Cilurzo pouring a big bottle of Damnation.
Vinnie and Natalie.
Carla and Peter Hackett. co-owners of Stumptown Brewery, along with Natalie Cilurzo, the brains behind the success of Russian River Brewing.
Some people paddled their canoes to the festival.
Natalie snuggles with my daughter Alice.
The food and beer was great, with booths of fruits and vegetables along with all the barbecue. Throughout the day, several bands entertained the crowd, many of whom took to dancing.