For our 82nd Session, our host is Stephanos from Beers I’ve Known. He’s originally from Somerset but now lives in Northern Ireland. For his topic, he’s chosen Beery Yarns, asking for your best story involving beer.
The nights are drawing in, there may even be snow, what better way to enjoy a beer than in front of a log fire. Turn that TV off and talk to your drinking compatriots. Maybe you’re just at home with some friends or maybe in a decent local boozer chatting to complete strangers. This month I’m going to give you plenty of scope for originality by setting a wide-open theme. I want to hear your beery tall tales, yarns, recollections (in a Grandpa Simpson style) or otherwise, delivered in the manner that you befits sitting around a log fire, favourite beer in hand. Only proviso is that it has to involve beer in some way, whether that be a particular beer jogging your memory of a previous event or beer taking a bigger role in the recollected tale. Its up to you.
So next Friday, December 6 — D-Day — spin your own beery yarn or tall-boy tale. Put on your old man hat and start storytelling.
love that gif!
I’m not home on Fridays when these chats occur & don’t have internet access where I am, so I’m tossing this in early – a true and unique tale of a recent brewpub visit:
Late Sun afternoon 11/3, I stopped by Pacific Coast Brewing (Oakland, CA) for a quaff before heading to SF. Bar area was crowded, but there were 2 empty stools, one of which had a full pint in front of it. I took the other, and on sitting down, noticed a $1 bill sitting beside the pint. 15-20 minutes pass (I’m talking sports w/the young guys to my right; to the left of the empty stool is a young couple enjoying beer & food). I ask my neighbors & the bartender if they’ve seen the one who ordered the beer – nada. Another 10-15 minutes pass & nobody shows, so the barkeep takes the tip & dumps what I dubbed “the beer left for Elvis” (who’d already left the building!).
Damnedest thing I’ve ever seen in a brewpub/beer bar!