Today in 1918, the Ukraine declared their Independence from Soviet Russia and unified the same day, a year later in 1919.
Ukraine Breweries
- Baltika Breweries
- Chernomor Brewery
- Chernihiv Brewery Desna / Чернігів
- Donetsk Brewery
- Lugansk Brewery
- Lvivske
- L’vivska Brewery / Перша Приватна Броварня
- Obolon
- Pivzavod Rogan
- Radomyshl Beer and Beverages Plant
- Slavutich
- Slavutich Brewery
- Švyturys
- Umanpivo
- Utenos Alus
Ukraine Brewery Guides
Other Guides
- CIA World Factbook
- Official Website
- U.S. Embassy
- Wikipedia
Guild: None Known
National Regulatory Agency: None
Beverage Alcohol Labeling Requirements: Not Known
Drunk Driving Laws: BAC 0.00%
- Full Name: Ukraine
- Location: Eastern Europe, bordering the Black Sea, between Poland, Romania, and Moldova in the west and Russia in the east
- Government Type: Republic
- Language: Ukrainian (official) 67%, Russian 24%, other (includes small Romanian-, Polish-, and Hungarian-speaking minorities) 9%
- Religion(s): Ukrainian Orthodox — Kyiv Patriarchate 50.4%, Ukrainian Orthodox — Moscow Patriarchate 26.1%, Ukrainian Greek Catholic 8%, Ukrainian Autocephalous Orthodox 7.2%, Roman Catholic 2.2%, Protestant 2.2%, Jewish 0.6%, other 3.2%
- Capital: Kiev
- Population: 45,134,707; 28th
- Area: 603,550 sq km, 46th
- Comparative Area: Slightly smaller than Texas
- National Food: Borscht
- National Symbols: Guelder Rose, Willow, Pine, Tryzub (trident)
- Nickname: The Breadbasket of Europe
- Affiliations: UN, Commonwealth of Independent States
- Independence: On January 22, 1918, the Ukraine declared their Independence from Soviet Russia and unified the same day, a year later in 1919. They then declared independence again from the USSR on August 24, 1991.
- Alcohol Legal: Yes
- Minimum Drinking Age: 18
- BAC: 0.00%
- Label Requirements: N/A
- Number of Breweries: 13
- How to Say “Beer”: пиво or слабкий алкогольний напій
- How to Order a Beer: N/A
- How to Say “Cheers”: Budmo! (Shall we live forever!) / Boovatje zdorovi / Budem (Let’s stay healthy)
- Toasting Etiquette: N/A
Alcohol Consumption By Type:
- Beer: 32%
- Wine: 7%
- Spirits: 61%
- Other: <1%
Alcohol Consumption Per Capita (in litres):
- Recorded: 8.10
- Unrecorded: 7.50
- Total: 15.60
- Beer: 2.69
WHO Alcohol Data:
- Per Capita Consumption: 8.1 litres
- Alcohol Consumption Trend: Stable
- Excise Taxes: N/A
- Minimum Age: 18
- Sales Restrictions: Location, specific events
- Advertising Restrictions: Yes
- Sponsorship/Promotional Restrictions: Sponsorship
Patterns of Drinking Score: 5
Prohibition: None
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