Tuesday’s ad is for the Continental Can Company, from 1935, the year beer cans debuted. I love the innocent photo, and that tagline: “Say! This Is How Beer Ought To Taste!” And the can itself is priceless in its generic-ness, not to mention “Cap Sealed” and “Opens Like a Bottle.” So modern, at least for 1935.
Beerman49 says
How quaint! But, by the time WWII began, brewers realized that production lines would run more efficiently & cheaply by switching to a variation of “normal” cans like food came in – & then promoted their products via giveaway logo’d “churchkeys” needed to open them. Only good side of original cans is that they weren’t stainless, so by now should be rusted to dust in landfills/wherever the typical American litterbug tossed them.