Today’s beer video originally aired on the History Channel, and appears to be part of a series, although I confess I don’t remember it at all. This episode of World in a Glass tackles beer. I’m not sure when it was produced, but it was long enough ago that Don Barkley was still working for Mendocino Brewing. It’s in English, although it’s subtitled throughout in, what is that: Greek? Enjoy.
Well, some of the commentary is spot-on. That’s our good friend, Martyn Cornell.
It was made in Scotland in 2004 by the Scottish Media Group – I had to fly up to Glasgow to be filmed. I also provided them with a fair number of illustrations. I probably still have the DVD somewhere … as I recall, there was another film on whisky …
Oh, and that’s Tim Hampson right at the start … and Rupert Ponsonby pops in for the first time a little later at about 8mins ….
Martyn, thanks for the orientation. 2004 makes sense. It was fun seeing you from back then, ten years ago now.