Tuesday’s ad is for Amstel beer, before they added the “light.” It’s from 1961 and also has KLM Airlines as a part of the ad, perhaps a partnership ad. It would appear they were trying to position Amstel as a high-end premium beer.
Stephen Rsays
Great ad! It’s a shame they don’t sell Amstel (as opposed to the light version) here in the U.S. When I lived in Amsterdam I always had Amstel on tap and have searched far and wide here in the U.S. to find it, but no such luck. In my opinion it’s much better than Heineken.
Great ad! It’s a shame they don’t sell Amstel (as opposed to the light version) here in the U.S. When I lived in Amsterdam I always had Amstel on tap and have searched far and wide here in the U.S. to find it, but no such luck. In my opinion it’s much better than Heineken.