Thursday’s ad is another one for Schlitz, this one from 1947. With the tagline “International Agreement,” the ad shows four people of different backgrounds (including possibly the butler from yesterday’s ad) drinking together. But the funniest part of the ads is in the ad copy, where it says “Around a table in some far-off corner of the world …” and yet out the window that clearly looks like the Golden Gate bridge. So that means in 1947, Schlitz’s idea of a “far-off corner of the world” was San Francisco. Hilarious.
I’d say they’re in San Francisco because of the UN. The founding conference was held there in 1945 and the first of the New York Headquarters buildings weren’t completed until 1948. I don’t recognise anyone around the table though.
Looks like they moved the Golden Gate-that doesn’t look like the Marin headlands,across the bridge.