Monday’s ad is for Pabst Blue Ribbon, from 1954. That’s some seriously greasy looking fried chicken, and the fries don’t look much better. Still, it makes me hungry to look at it. And we’ve got another one of those magic bottles, the kind that fills the entire glass to overflowing, but is still only half empty.
Interesting: the specific form of that dish, in the basket and served (often) with honey, has disappeared without a trace.
I haven’t seen it on menus in decades although there must be the odd survival here or there.
And PBR would go well with it too, especially the Pabst of the 1950’s which surely had an amore aromatic character than today (it did in the 70’s).
Gary Gillman
N.B. What appears excess oil, Jay, may actually be lashings of honey.