Wednesday’s holiday ad is for Molson Crown from 1958. Showing a holiday party in progress, the hostess is bringing in a tray full of Crown Lager Beer. I love the slogan “Have Fun … Down A Crown.” It’s so wonderfully cheesy. And from the looks of things, yes, “Everybody’s happy at the Molson Crown Club.”
beerman49 says
Interesting – even tho I lived in MD 1962-78, I don’t ever remember seeing that label. Was the beer:
a) the same lager Molson exported (with a different label) to the US?;
b) a different brew not sold in the US?; or
c) did Molson just do a universal name & label change before I became aware of Molson (1967-70; I could buy beer in DC once I turned 18 in 1967; Md lowered the beer/wine age after I turned 21)?
Molson Ale (decent light ale a la Henry’s & Labatt Green, but not as good as the long-vanished Carling Red Cap, which was hard to find) was one of my “treat” beers back then – now, I wouldn’t even think of buying it unless it was the best I could find in BF Egypt! Molson “Golden” debuted mid 70’s, riding the new “light” beer craze, & was crappy as the US products. 1st tasted of Brador (6.5-7% ABV darkish malt liquor) in Montreal in 1985; rarely have seen it in the US – I think it’s better than the US-made versions (as I think Carlsberg Elephant is). Molson Ice is still around (at least in the DC area & Myrtle Beach) – it beat Bud’s version by miles, but really wasn’t that good – “eis” is an entirely different animal if it’s made well.
I went to the Molson Brewery in Toronto in 1986, but there were no tours that day, & no tastings available either – but I did bring back a couple of nice “hurricane”/”tulip” glasses, which I think I still have at least one of.
Jay – I love all those old ads you post & the tone with which you post them – long live breweriana! But what’s with this new CAPTCHA code stuff?