Tuesday’s holiday ad is for Michelob, from 1977, where “Holidays were made for Michelob.” Check out the disco outfits the party-goers are wearing and at least they show several Michelob logo glassware in the foreground. And notice the people are actually using glasses to drink their beer. That’s a rarity in older ads. Must be a holiday thing.
re: Drinking from a glass a rarity in old ads
I’m really surprised you’d think that. Just looking at the last few dozens of old US ads on your site alone, very few have people drinking from the bottle (that Falstaff stubby is the first one I could find going backward) and when no one is drinking in the ad itself, the picture of the bottles almost always show a glass of beer next to it.
I’d say – certainly for ads before 1970 or so – it’s rare to find one where people are drinking directly from a can or bottle. Just in the ads of yours I just checked, there was a couple on a beach drinking Bud poured into a glass and another where a softball umpire is pouring Schlitz (was it?) in a glass during an argument over a call. Pretty unusual places for a glass to show up normally.
That’s what I get for shooting off the top of my head in the middle of the night. I guess I was thinking that as the 70s ended, I recall seeing more and more scenes of just bottles and cans, but really it was more of a feeling than a fact-based argument. Thanks for keeping me honest. Cheers, J
There was a good reason to drink Mich from a glass back then – the neck label extended up very close to, if not touching, the cap.