Monday’s ad is for Miller High Life, showing the “new look” bottles in a champagne bucket filled with ice. Fancy, right? It may be I’m so used to High Life being a subpremium that nothing can persuade me to see it as a high end beer. Oh, and the new look? “Now it’s labelled in foil!”
tim from florida says
And it comes in a champagne bottle…oh…wait…no it doesn’t!
beerman49 says
Until MGD came along, Hi-life (& I’m old enough to remember the foil labels from the 50’s) was a “premium”, priced a la Bud & Schlitz. Old Milwaukee got introduced in the early 60’s to compete with Busch, Pabst, Hamm’s, & the other regional lower-priced stuff. When MGD took off, Hi-life went off-radar for a long time, then resurfaced w/those good TV ads. Even in my pre-“beer geek” days, I thought it was better left in the horse – it was too sweet & hop-less!