According to the Stone Blog, as of Monday, Dr. Bill Sysak has joined Stone Brewing as the Beverage Coordinator of Stone Brewing World Bistro & Gardens.
Believe it or not, this is Dr. Bill’s first job in the beer industry, though he’s been involved in the beer world for quite some time. I profiled Dr. Bill a few years ago for an article on Beer Geeks I did for Beer Advocate magazine. He’s justly famous for the legendary beer-tasting marathon parties he threw a few times each year. Congrats, Bill.
Is that a beer drinker trading card? That’s hilarious!
Hey Bill – Welcome to the industry ! !
I think I will use your story as an example
when the next laywer or vp of finance asks me, “How do you break into the brewing industry? I want to give up my 250K a year job and follow my homebrewing passion”.
I will answer, “Well, a good friend Dr. Bill Sysak did it by tasting over 20,000
beers, attending scores of festivals . . . etc.”
Drew Cluley
Head Brewer
Pike Brewing Co.