Today in 1966, US Patent 3256627 A was issued, an invention of James Eugene Adair, assigned to Fishlove & Co., for his “Ornamented Drinking Glass.” There’s no Abstract, although in the description it includes this summary:
The principal object of the invention is to provide an aesthetic, entertaining or amusing novelty item in the form of an ornamented drinking glass such as is commonly used for mixed drinks, beer, highballs, or the like, the glass having an opaque side wall but being provided with one or more transparent portions or peep holes, and also having ornamentation on regions thereof opposite the peep holes, such ornamentation being visible through the peep holes, transversely of the glass and through liquid such as the glass may contain. Such liquid produces effects of magnification and distortion, especially when transparent solids such as ice cubes are immersed therein, so that the ornamentation as viewed through the peep holes has an enlarged and/or animated appearance.
As the late & great Lenny Bruce once said about Vegas: “Tits ‘n ass is the attraction!”