Friday’s ad is for Guinness, from maybe the 1950s or early 1960s. The artwork has that “It’s a Small World” vibe, with the style of illustration and each couple wearing their authentic cultural costumes. Especially when you consider the American couple in their cowboy suits, big hats and a cigarette hanging from the dude’s unshaved face. Yeah, that’s how all Americans look. As I understand it, the world and his wife essentially means a lot of people, which makes sense in the context of the copy: “The World And His Wife Enjoy Guinness.” The phrase always reminds me of the Elvis Costello song The World and His Wife from the 1983 album “Punch the Clock.”
Beerman49 says
Definitely a “Small World” look. That Disney ride made its debut @ the NYC World’s Fair in 1964; my folks & I rode it (it was very cool) – the fair continued into 1965. My parents & I went both years, catching stuff we missed the 1st year & checking out the new stuff. Michelangelo’s “Pieta” statue was there one of the years; in 65, while waiting to catch the subway back downtown around dusk, we could hear all the screams from the Beatles’ concert @ Shea Stadium. Side note: Back then, subway rides were 15 cents, no matter the distance, so going from midtown Manhattan to Flushing meadows was a CHEAP pip (both yrs, we stayed @ hotels near Times Square & never moved our car until we drove home. Both yrs, the weekend trips cost my dad no more than $400-500 – those were the days!
There’s a lot more info here on Wikipedia: